• Projekte
  • About
  • A Choir Misses You.

  • Digitale Bühne, Web
  • Frankfurt, 2021

  • Kooperation:
  • Mousonturm Frankfurt, Zaungäste Kollektiv

  • Six performers, countless party props and the question "How many parties have we actually had together?" What began in 2019 as a scenic experiment to challenge the chorus of fence-sitters and explore its limits has long since been caught up by subsequent developments: the theme of isolation and distancing suddenly became highly explosive and real. So what remains of community when we can only gather on the net?
    How does a choir speak to its audience if it is not allowed to see them?

    Text: Ankündigungstext Mousonturm

    Together with the Zaungäste Kollektiv and the Mousonturm Frankfurt, an interactive digital stage space was created that invited the audience to switch fluidly between four rooms or to watch and listen to all of the choir's solo performances simultaneously. In the process, it was possible to playfully explore which sonic overlays of the individual parties best suited each other, and of course there was confetti.