• Projekte
  • About
  • QR134

  • Web, Code & Co-Design
  • Hamburg, 2021

  • Kooperation:
  • Gemeinde Winterhude-Uhlenhorst

  • Mit:
  • Johannes Kuhn

  • Quartiersraum 134 is an open space in [Hamburg] Winterhude. The approximately 85sqm room is located in the basement with two windows facing the front garden. Next to QR134 there is a bicycle workshop and a charity shop is being planned. The neighbourhood is invited to use the space in the future with a variety of ideas for the neighbourhood. A large pool of furniture, equipment and props is available for designing the space.

    Currently, the neighbourhood space is used by the Public Design Support (HFBK Hamburg) as a studio and exhibition space. On display are installations and sculptures that are intended to stimulate ideas for potential concepts of use.

    Text: Problemprotokoll der Öffentlichen Gestaltungsberatung

    For Quartiersraum 134, an existing design direction was implemented for a web format.
