• Projekte
  • About
  • Rehearsing for an Encounter

  • Installation/Website
  • Berlin/Frankfurt a.M., 2022

  • Kooperation:
  • Frankfurt LAB

  • Mit:
  • Isabelle Zinsmaier
    Maxi Menja Lehmann

  • Rehearsing for an Encounter is an encounter between the Frankfurt Moves! resident artists who will work on different artistic projects at Frankfurt LAB this summer and two grantees of HTA Postgraduate Grants for Artistic Research 2021, who conducted an artistic research associated with Frankfurt LAB during spring 2022. Rehearsing for an Encounter is a dialogue that evolved between May and June 2022 via email and video calls and materializes itself in different forms. The resident artists were invited to do different tasks and to enter into a written dialogue on questions that might accompany international artistic exchanges and residencies.
